Hi! I am Deke McClelland.
Welcome to Photoshop CS6 New Features tutorials.
Now Photoshop is perhaps the most iconic application in the world. If you are familiar with it, you know it to be almost limitless in its capabilities, but even people who have never used it know of it. Photoshop is a verb. Even in this light, Photoshop CS6 is a remarkable upgrade.
For starters, there is the dark interface. It's a small change, but try going back to CS5 after working in this. There are the layer enhancements, including the ability to search for layer names and types and apply all sorts of attributes to multiple layers at a time.
There's Content-Aware Move, which lets you move a selected image element and then it automatically fills in the background.There's the Adaptive Wide Angle filter, the new Stroke-Aware Shape layers,Camera Raw 7, and a bunch of text enhancements.Oh and I almost forgot, video editing.Did I go through that too quickly? My apologies, because I felt the same way when the folks at Adobe showed these things to me the first time, and I haven't even mentioned half of it.
There's the Blur Gallery, airbrushing, Oil Paint and a world of fast, capable 3D features. The list goes on and on and on. It's all very well and good for me to tell you how huge this upgrade is, but I should probably just show you. It is my immense privilege to introduce you to Photoshop CS6 Tutorials.
Now Photoshop is perhaps the most iconic application in the world. If you are familiar with it, you know it to be almost limitless in its capabilities, but even people who have never used it know of it. Photoshop is a verb. Even in this light, Photoshop CS6 is a remarkable upgrade.
For starters, there is the dark interface. It's a small change, but try going back to CS5 after working in this. There are the layer enhancements, including the ability to search for layer names and types and apply all sorts of attributes to multiple layers at a time.
There's Content-Aware Move, which lets you move a selected image element and then it automatically fills in the background.There's the Adaptive Wide Angle filter, the new Stroke-Aware Shape layers,Camera Raw 7, and a bunch of text enhancements.Oh and I almost forgot, video editing.Did I go through that too quickly? My apologies, because I felt the same way when the folks at Adobe showed these things to me the first time, and I haven't even mentioned half of it.
There's the Blur Gallery, airbrushing, Oil Paint and a world of fast, capable 3D features. The list goes on and on and on. It's all very well and good for me to tell you how huge this upgrade is, but I should probably just show you. It is my immense privilege to introduce you to Photoshop CS6 Tutorials.
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