Posted by graphicfordesign On Tuesday, 3 July 2012 0 comments

News tutorial photoshop cs6 restoration

One of the things Ctein likes best about the new world of digital photography is the way it “enhances the conventional photographic experience.” A veteran darkroom professional, master printer, and author of countless technical articles about the darkroom, Ctein says, “I’m still a film-oriented photographer. Even when I make the switch to digital cameras, I’ll still have a huge body of film-based photographs.”

Skill Photoshop Cs6 Tutorial

It was inevitable that his three decades of interest in photo preservation and digital technology would merge in a career.

Digital Photoshop CS6 Tutorial restoration, he believes, is safer and faster than traditional restoration because all the restorative work takes place in the computer. “Most importantly, it’s usually better,” says Ctein. At first, he did restoration simply for his own enjoyment and then for the pleasure of resurrecting friends’ cherished photographs. Now, it’s become part of his business (, but it’s also immense fun for him. “I can combine my decades of photographic printing skill and experience with hightech tools to construct a new digital image that embodies the origoriginal quality and beauty of the photograph. It’s genuine ‘information recovery,’ not ‘information fabrication,’“ he says. A friend of Ctein’s, Brooks V. Walker, photographed this mid-1970s landscape (see below) on early Kodacolor II color negative film, a relatively unstable film. The original negative had faded severely; most of the yellow dye and easily half of the cyan were gone. Also, the fading was uneven across the negative. It also had some light scratches but no serious damage. According to Ctein, this negative was unprintable. The best possible darkroom print he could make (lower left)

Writer by Photoshop CS6 tutorial 


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